The lyrics of this track - and indeed the vocal itself - are by the Californian poet and artist, Ithaka (Ithaka Darin Pappas).
was originally written and recorded in early 1993 for a program on
Rádio Comercial in Portugal (where Ithaka briefly resided) and about a
year later, he was invited to re-record it with the progressive house
act, Underground Of Lisbon.
USL had much success with their
version of the song, never giving vocal and lyrical credit to the
creator (and claimed it as 100% 'Portuguese') even though only on one or
two mixes, of over a thousand versions, is USL's music even present.
Ithaka's vocal & lyrics appear on 100% of the songs, but because
USL released an unauthorized/un-credited acapella via Tribal/I.R.S.
Records in New York (1994), this poem has anonymously permeated the
dance music world and even become a kind of festival anthem.
Gate's version brilliantly uses these profound words to an even greater
impact - and larger audience. But once again, where is the vocal/lyric
This is not a cover version, this is a remix of a 1993 Ithaka spoken-word poem.