Monday, June 29, 2020

Cosmic Gate "So Get Up" (featuring Ithaka) appears in DJ MAG

“Indeed, the amount being paid to certain DJs is really high compared to recent years, but at the end of the day, the market is regulating the price.”
Have DJs' fees got out of hand?: 
“We think it has. As dance lovers we all should stay positive about it. After all, it’s better than only hip-hop or rock on the radio, right?”
Has dance music become the new pop?: 
“Little mice, so we can spy on what the results of this year's Top 100 poll will be!”
If you could be any animal, what would you be?: 
“Should DJs use a microphone? Should they dance? Should they use a laptop? In the end it’s up to the DJ to decide what’s right, and the audience decides by showing up to the gigs.”
Should DJs do "heart hands": 
“We definitely think we have a responsibility to show EDM and drugs do not necessarily belong together. On the other hand, people are responsible for their own life and choices.”
Do DJs have a duty to speak out about drugs?: 
“We’d really like our existing rider served up by Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian.”
Following extensive international tours on the back of the swathe of hits that came from their late 2011 'Wake Your Mind' album, German trance veterans Cosmic Gate returned this year with new singles 'Storm Chaser', 'Crushed' and 'So Get Up' written and vocalized by California artist, Ithaka (Ithaka Darin Pappas). Nic Chagall and Bossi told DJ Mag it’s a matter of balancing their signature trance sound with the desire to move forward.
“It’s different styles all over again, but always with our signature that people can recognize. We don’t want to be predictable, we’d get bored doing the same things in a studio over and over.”
'So Get Up' was the first single on their new Wake Your Mind label, and it caps off what’s otherwise been a massive year of touring that’s seen them hosting festival stages in Australia, joining A State of Trance in Ibiza as residents, as well as staging several “Wake Your Mind in Concert” events, featuring guest vocalists to compliment the Cosmic Gate experience.
While the pair are supportive of the trance scene’s recent push towards old-school sounds, they maintain it won’t have a massive impact on their next album, that they’re currently working on. “We’ve been there already, and it wouldn’t feel right for us to go back to where it all started. We prefer to develop our sound by combining different styles to create something new."

 So Get Up lyricist/vocalist Ithaka (Ithaka Darin Pappas)

Friday, June 26, 2020

Portugal, Rádio Comercial, So Get Up, and Ithaka Darin Pappas

Portugal, Rádio Comercial, So Get Up, and Ithaka Darin Pappas
During a one-year period from late 1992 to late 1993, the Greek-Californian artist Ithaka Darin Pappas, who lived in Lisbon for a six-year duration, hosted a small English-language segment on Rádio Comercial called Lounge Lizard Larry within the daily afternoon show, Quarto Bairro.
Quarto Bairro was produced by Eduardo Guerra and recorded by Pedro Costa (currently a DJ at Antena 3 (Portugal)), with news by Sílvia Souto Cunha (present day editor of Visão Magazine). For the Lounge Lizard Larry sequences Ithaka would, for the most part, read his own poems, written specifically for the show, on top on B-side instrumental hip-hop tracks.
On one day in late 1992 at a café outside of the Rádio Comercial studios in the neighborhood called Amoreiras, Ithaka wrote a poem called, The End Of The Earth Is Upon Us and some minutes after completion read it live on top of a Naughty By Nature instrumental. A couple of months later, he recorded a demo of the song in Manchester, England with original music. And about eight months after that, the electronic music group Underground Sound of Lisbon, who had been hearing him read his writings on-air, invited him to rerecord The End Of The Earth Is Upon Us with their music for the B-side of a 12" vinyl single they were recording. Thru the decades the song, retitled So Get Up, has achieved a wide range of releases and remixes by international artists, but the original recording of the vocal-poem took place at Rádio Comercial in Amoreiras. 

So Get Up e Rádio Comercial

So Get Up e Rádio Comercial

Durante um período de um ano, do final de 1992 ao final de 1993, o artista grego-californiano Ithaka Darin Pappas, que viveu em Lisboa por um período de seis anos, apresentou um pequeno segmento de língua inglesa na Rádio Comercial chamado Lounge Lizard Larry dentro do programa diário da tarde, Quarto Bairro.
O Quarto Bairro foi produzido por Eduardo Guerra e gravado por Pedro Costa (atualmente DJ na Antena 3), com notícias de Sílvia Souto Cunha (atual editora da Visão (revista)). Para as sequências de Lounge Lizard Larry, Ithaka lia, em sua maioria, seus próprios poemas, escritos especificamente para o show, no topo das faixas instrumentais de hip-hop do lado B.
Em um dia, no final de 1992, em um café fora dos estúdios da Rádio Comercial no bairro chamado Amoreiras, Ithaka escreveu um poema chamado The End Of The Earth Is Upon Us e, alguns minutos após a conclusão, o leu ao vivo em cima de um instrumental do grupo Naughty by Nature. Alguns meses depois, ele gravou uma demo com música original em Manchester, Inglaterra, com música original. E cerca de oito meses depois disso, o um grupo de música eletrônica Underground Sound of Lisbon, que o ouvia ler seus escritos no ar, convidou-o a regravar The End Of The Earth Is Upon Us com sua música para o Lado B dum single de vinil de 12" que eles estavam gravando. Ao longo das décadas, a tema retificada como So Get Up, alcançou uma ampla gama de lançamentos e remixes de artistas internacionais, mas a gravação original do poema vocal ocorreu na Rádio Comercial em Lisboa.

Ithaka Darin Pappas, Lisbon Portugal