Saturday, December 24, 2022

So Get Up (30th Anniversary poem book) written by Ithaka Darin Pappas

So Get Up, a lyric poem by Californian artist and songwriter Ithaka (or Ithaka Darin Pappas) was written on December 13th 1992 on a cafe napkin in the Amoreiras neighborhood of Lisbon, Portugal, where he worked and resided from 1992-1998. At the time, Ithaka had been guest-hosting segments of the program "4º Bairro" (4th Block) on the national station Rádio Comercial during which he would often read his own short stories and poems. Having arrived to the station that day with little or no material to recite, Ithaka wrote So Get Up and a couple of short prose pieces at a coffeeshop next to the station's studio just prior to going on-air. A few months later, Ithaka recorded an electro musical version of So Get Up and other songs with a production team in Manchester, England released by indie label Embryo Entertainment with little public attention. In subsequent three decades however, So Get Up as a vocal poem has been utilized extensively by international producers in almost every sub-genre of electronic dance music. There are, to date, more than six-hundred and fifty songs using the So Get Up poem vocalized by Ithaka as their base, making So Get Up one of the most remixed vocal acapellas in musical history. Some of the most visible versions globally have been produced by Underground Sound of Lisbon, Fatboy Slim and Cosmic Gate.